Audit Communication

STOP Writing Psychopathic Audit Reports!

By Andy Kovacs
(2-Minute Read)

Scream from Psycho Shower Scene

The two words ‘inform’ and ‘communicate are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different actions. Informing is giving out, communicating is getting through.

— Sydney J. Harris

The Audit Report Empathy Problem

Would you want to like to take advice from someone who doesn’t understand you, care about you or show any interest in what you want?

No, neither would I!

But unfortunately, most of the audit reports which we review at ELC Consultants (while designing Audit Report Writing learning programmes for our corporate clients) come across as borderline psychopathic.

My purpose is to open your eyes to the psychology of your process owner when they first read your audit reports

There’s zero empathy.

They don’t speak the reader’s language.

They show no understanding of the psychology and emotional state of the process owner.

So why would anyone want to take the advice they contain (no matter how true or important it may be)?

You may think I’m spoiling for a fight; but my purpose here is not to criticize you and make you feel bad. My purpose is to open your eyes to the psychology of your process owner when they first read your audit report; because I believe this is the first step in being able to write a high-impact and engaging text which gets you what you want by getting their commitment and buy-in.

So here’s a philosophical thought experiment which will help to bring this into clearer perspective.

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Audit Report Writing Quote No. 1

By Andy Kovacs

Why Audit Report Writing Goes Wrong! #1

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