How can you show your intelligence, experience and value
if English is your second language?

Second-language English usage can put you out of your comfort zone
– performing your professional duties in a foreign language
in the high-stress, fast-paced global business world

You know how hard you worked to get to where you are today.

But the ever-increasing global nature of our work requires us to confidently handle the challenges thrown at us in a foreign language – English.

Your native-English speaking colleagues tell you that your mistakes don’t matter. But when they lead you to feel a lack of confidence, then you’ve got a problem. Unfortunately, we tend to judge people by appearance; and if your second-language English communication looks hesitant and uncertain, then your professional ability can get called into question by your stakeholders and wider organisation; and this can lead to you failing to get the challenges and rewards which you deserve.

So if you want to learn exactly how to express yourself with confidence, certainty, intellect and authority as a non-native communicator, then our 6 bespoke Mastering Business English learning programmes are just what you need.

As a training experience, EMPOWERED FINANCIAL REPORTS took our attention from the very start – not just me, but the whole group.

People were saying: “Wow! It’s 9 o’clock on the day of the first session and we have already defined exactly what the key problem is with our report writing.”

I would definitely recommend this financial report writing training. It’s not just about the books and the materials, but it’s important to learn things that you will remember at work and know how to use.

I immediately applied what I learnt from the training into my real business life. The expertise of the trainer and how the training was delivered was the key to success here. What is delivered is important, but how it was delivered was what I would also like to recommend. In this sense, it was better than 99% of the training I have had till now.

Emre Tor
Corporate Business Account Manager

The reason why I chose this training is because I’m writing emails every day – thousands of them! I’ve been trying to handle this volume of writing in the best way possible using some templates which I’ve created, but I wanted to gain more power and control over my word choice.

The training was long enough, and the content was very rich. Also, the Self-Study Tasks and Toolkit were all real lifesavers. I would definitely recommend TOTAL WORD POWER to everybody. After the training, I said to myself, “I wish I’d had this beforehand. So I advise all HR professionals to offer this to the employees in their companies; especially as early as possible in their careers.

What’s more, the TOTAL WORD POWER trainer, Andy Kovacs, was brilliant. He knew how to put the right focus on the training topics and how to keep attention high throughout. He gave the right amount of information, and his performance was meticulous and very impressive. It was a great experience – interesting, engaging and interactive!

Selcuk Candas
Deputy Head of Internal Audit

I think that the topic of report writing is absolutely crucial and, to be honest, I thought that it could not be taught. Writing skills are learnt through on-the-job experience and they are not an easy skill to acquire. EMPOWERED AUDIT REPORTS completely changed my opinion on this and now I’m spending all of my effort to use all of the writing techniques that I learnt.

How to make your sentences shorter; how to get rid of unclear sentences which can confuse the reader; eliminating jargon and terminology; and how to be more economic in the report – these were the most important report writing lessons which I learnt from the course.

But this training offered so much more than just report writing techniques. We learnt so much about the wider subject of effective communication.It’s essential to understand what your stakeholders want to see in your report and to fulfill these objectives. This is a big part of our mission and the course really helped me with this.

I loved that it was so interactive. You have theory and then you have direct participation, so we put what we had learnt straight into practice.

What I also really loved was the trainer’s exceptional presentation techniques. Just attending the training has taught me so much about how to present and how to build up my message logically and make it get through to my audience.

I immediately recommended this training to my line manager, Guido, and to our Country Head. I told them: “You must participate in this training because I’m now going to be using these great report writing techniques which you’re not even aware of.”

Zoltan Gamos
Compliance & Antibribery Manager
Vodafone, Hungary

In my job, I generally communicate with people by writing emails – and it’s really important that the information which I give is short, clear and well-explained. However, when I choose words in English, my explanations often get long.

TOTAL WORD POWER helped me to solve this. I learnt how to choose the right words – professional and sophisticated words – so my emails have become more economic and the writing process has become faster and more efficient. So I’m doing my job so much faster than before.

The delivery of TOTAL WORD POWER was very clear and detailed. Also, it was very visually engaging, so this helped to keep my interest throughout the 2 Live Learning Webinars. It was very practical and it was very interesting.

I would definitely recommend TOTAL WORD POWER to anybody who needs to write lots of emails in English in their job.

Emre Altinoglu
Customer Services Country Manager

It is only stupid people who do not judge others
by appearance.

– Oscar Wilde
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